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  • 发布时间:2020-01-07 09:57
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  • 发布时间:2020-01-07 09:57
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China must be and will be reunified.



Chinese don't fight Chinese.



The unification is a historical trend and it is the right path."Taiwan independence" goes against the trend of history and will lead to a dead end.



The Chinese people's affairs should be decided by the Chinese people.



As Chinese,the people of Taiwan,should live with dignity.



We cordially welcome young people from Taiwan to cherish, pursue and fulfill their dreams on the mainland of our motherland. 





✩ 1949年以来,中国共产党、中国政府、中国人民始终把解决台湾问题、实现祖国完全统一作为矢志不渝的历史任务。

Since 1949, the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Chinese government and the Chinese people have always unwaveringly taken resolving the Taiwan question to realize China's complete reunification as a historic task, President Xi Jinping said.


✩ 70年来,我们顺应两岸同胞共同愿望,推动打破两岸隔绝状态,实现全面直接双向“三通”,开启两岸同胞大交流大交往大合作局面,两岸交流合作日益广泛,相互往来日益密切,彼此心灵日益契合。台湾同胞为祖国大陆改革开放作出重大贡献,也分享了大陆发展机遇。

Over the 70 years, estrangement between the mainland and Taiwan was ended in line with the common will of compatriots across the Straits, and Taiwan compatriots have made great contributions to the reform and opening-up in the mainland, said Xi.


✩ 70年来,我们秉持求同存异精神,推动两岸双方在一个中国原则基础上达成“海峡两岸同属一个中国,共同努力谋求国家统一”的“九二共识”,开启两岸协商谈判,推进两岸政党党际交流,开辟两岸关系和平发展道路,实现两岸领导人历史性会晤,使两岸政治互动达到新高度。

During the seven decades, the mainland and Taiwan reached the 1992 Consensus based on the one-China principle, and the political exchanges across the Straits have reached new heights, Xi said.


✩ 70年来,我们把握两岸关系发展时代变化,提出和平解决台湾问题的政策主张和“一国两制”科学构想,确立了“和平统一、一国两制”基本方针,进而形成了坚持“一国两制”和推进祖国统一基本方略,回答了新时代推动两岸关系和平发展、团结台湾同胞共同致力于实现民族伟大复兴和祖国和平统一的时代命题。

Over the 70 years, the basic principles of "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems" were established, and the basic policy of upholding "one country, two systems" and advancing the national reunification was laid out, according to Xi.


✩ 70年来,我们高举和平、发展、合作、共赢的旗帜,在和平共处五项原则基础上发展同各国的友好合作,巩固国际社会坚持一个中国原则的格局,越来越多国家和人民理解和支持中国统一事业。

He continued that more and more countries and peoples have understood and supported the cause of the reunification of China over the 70 years.


✩ 70年来,我们始终着眼于中华民族整体利益和长远利益,坚定维护国家主权和领土完整,团结全体中华儿女,坚决挫败各种制造“两个中国”、“一中一台”、“台湾独立”的图谋,取得一系列反“台独”、反分裂斗争的重大胜利。

Furthermore, over the 70 years, a series of major victories in the battles against "Taiwan independence" and separatists have been achieved, Xi said.


✩ 两岸关系发展历程证明:台湾是中国一部分、两岸同属一个中国的历史和法理事实,是任何人任何势力都无法改变的!

The historical and legal facts, that Taiwan is part of China and the two sides across Taiwan Straits belong to one and the same China, can never be altered by anyone or any force, said Xi.


✩ 两岸同胞都是中国人,血浓于水、守望相助的天然情感和民族认同,是任何人任何势力都无法改变的!

The fact that compatriots across the Straits are all Chinese who share natural kinship and national identity can never be changed by anyone or any force, Xi added.


✩ 台海形势走向和平稳定、两岸关系向前发展的时代潮流,是任何人任何势力都无法阻挡的!

The peaceful and stable development of cross-Straits situations and the progress of cross-Straits relations are the tide of the time that can never be stopped by anyone or any force, said Xi.


✩ 国家强大、民族复兴、两岸统一的历史大势,更是任何人任何势力都无法阻挡的!

Xi stressed that achieving the country's greatness, national rejuvenation and cross-Strait reunification is the trend of history, which can never be blocked by anyone or any force.



✩ 祖国必须统一,也必然统一。这是70载两岸关系发展历程的历史定论,也是新时代中华民族伟大复兴的必然要求。

"It is a historical conclusion drawn over the 70 years of the development of cross-Straits relations, and a must for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the new era," he said.


✩ 两岸中国人、海内外中华儿女理应共担民族大义、顺应历史大势,共同推动两岸关系和平发展、推进祖国和平统一进程。

He called on Chinese people across the Taiwan Straits as well as at home and abroad to work together for the Chinese nation's greater good and go with the tide of history, to jointly push forward the peaceful development of the cross-Strait relations and advance the process toward the peaceful reunification of China.



✩ 台湾问题因民族弱乱而产生,必将随着民族复兴而终结!

The Taiwan question originated from national weakness and disorder, and will definitely end with national rejuvenation, Xi said.


✩ 两岸中国人应该共同努力谋求国家统一。

The Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits should make joint efforts to seek national reunification, Xi said.


✩ 台湾前途在于国家统一,台湾同胞福祉系于民族复兴。两岸关系和平发展是维护两岸和平、促进两岸共同发展、造福两岸同胞的正确道路。

The future of Taiwan lies in national reunification and the wellbeing of Taiwan compatriots is linked to national rejuvenation, Xi said. "Peaceful development of cross-Straits relations is the correct road to maintaining cross-Straits peace, promoting cross-Straits common development, and benefiting compatriots on both sides of the Straits."



✩ “和平统一、一国两制”是实现国家统一的最佳方式。

The principles of "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems" are the best approach to realizing national reunification, Xi said.


✩ 在确保国家主权、安全、发展利益的前提下,和平统一后,台湾同胞的社会制度和生活方式等将得到充分尊重,台湾同胞的私人财产、宗教信仰、合法权益将得到充分保障。

On the basis of ensuring China's sovereignty, security and interests of development, the social system and way of life in Taiwan will be fully respected, and the private property, religious beliefs and legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan compatriots will be fully protected after peaceful reunification is realized, Xi said.


✩ 在一个中国原则基础上,台湾任何政党、团体同我们的交往都不存在障碍。

As long as the one-China principle is upheld, there will be no obstacles in exchanges between political parties and groups in Taiwan and the mainland, Xi said.



✩ 中国人不打中国人。我们愿意以最大诚意、尽最大努力争取和平统一的前景,因为以和平方式实现统一,对两岸同胞和全民族最有利。

While noting that "Chinese don't fight Chinese," Xi said peaceful reunification is in the best interests of compatriots across the Straits as well as the Chinese nation.


✩ 我们不承诺放弃使用武力,保留采取一切必要措施的选项,针对的是外部势力干涉和极少数“台独”分裂分子及其分裂活动,绝非针对台湾同胞。两岸同胞要共谋和平、共护和平、共享和平。

"We make no promise to renounce the use of force and reserve the option of taking all necessary means," he added.

This does not target compatriots in Taiwan, but the interference of external forces and the very small number of "Taiwan independence" separatists and their activities, he said.


✩ “台独”是历史逆流,是绝路。

"Taiwan independence" goes against the trend of history and will lead to a dead end, he said.


✩ 深化两岸融合发展,夯实和平统一基础。两岸同胞血脉相连。亲望亲好,中国人要帮中国人。

Xi called for efforts to deepen the integrated development across the Taiwan Straits to consolidate the foundation of peaceful reunification, adding that "Chinese people should help each other."


✩ 我们要积极推进两岸经济合作制度化,打造两岸共同市场,为发展增动力,为合作添活力,壮大中华民族经济。两岸要应通尽通,提升经贸合作畅通、基础设施联通、能源资源互通、行业标准共通。

Xi also pledged to further institutionalize the cross-Straits economic cooperation and to forge a cross-Straits common market.

Both sides should enhance the free flow of trade, connectivity in infrastructure, exchange of energy and resources, and shared industrial standards, said Xi.



✩ 我们真诚希望所有台湾同胞,像珍视自己的眼睛一样珍视和平,像追求人生的幸福一样追求统一,积极参与到推进祖国和平统一的正义事业中来。

"We sincerely hope all the compatriots in Taiwan treasure peace as much as they treasure their own eyes, and pursue national reunification as much as they pursue happiness."


✩ 国家的希望、民族的未来在青年。两岸青年要勇担重任、团结友爱、携手打拼。

Xi urged young people across the Straits to shoulder important tasks with courage, be united and friendly with each other, and strive for a better future hand in hand.


✩ 我们热忱欢迎台湾青年来祖国大陆追梦、筑梦、圆梦。

"We cordially welcome young people from Taiwan to cherish, pursue and fulfill their dreams on the mainland of our motherland," he said.



✩ 中国人的事要由中国人来决定。台湾问题是中国的内政,事关中国核心利益和中国人民民族感情,不容任何外来干涉。

The Chinese people's affairs should be decided by the Chinese people, Xi said, stressing that the Taiwan question concerns China's core interests and the national bond of the Chinese people.


✩ 中国的统一,不会损害任何国家的正当利益包括其在台湾的经济利益,只会给各国带来更多发展机遇,只会给亚太地区和世界繁荣稳定注入更多正能量,只会为构建人类命运共同体、为世界和平发展和人类进步事业作出更大贡献。

China's reunification does not harm any country's legitimate interests, including their economic interests in Taiwan, Xi said.

It will only bring more development opportunities to other countries, inject more positive energy into the prosperity and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and the world, and make greater contributions to building a community with a shared future for humanity, to world peace and development, and to the cause of human progress, he added.







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